Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Track 4

Track 1
Electric Guitar (jazz]

Track 2
Electric Guitar (clean]

Track 3
Electric Guitar (muted]
What I see is what's to be Cart-wheels to et-ter-ni-ty Round and round my head she goes In the good dream though she wears no clothes Took our pic-ture by the sea The o-cean waits to car-ry me Car-ry me back home a-gain To where she sleeps I lay my head Saw her run-ning bare-foot but the ground there nev-er touched her feet Lost her in the shad-ows while the tide came in and claimed our beach We could have made it in the dunes, we had it all with-in our reach But I've got a lot of life to learn and you've got a lot of life to teach Why do we all end up a-lone Why do we al-ways have to find our way back home Why do we all end up a-lone We gath-er no moss just like a roll-ing What I say is what I mean No def-i-ni-tion in be-tween Could-n't make it in the mov-ie scene You could-n't stay on you could-n't stay clean What you wear is who you are The odds are in and you'll go far A pen-ny for your thoughts you'll see A nic-kel buys you what you need Saw you in the big show Saw you swing-ing from the big tra-peze Stand-ing on my tip-toes While you brushed the dirt from off your knees Should have come as no sur-prise No one else here did have your drive You've got a big white stretch parked right out-side And no-bod-y there to share your ride Why do we all end up a-lone Why do we al-ways have to find our way back home Why do we all end up a-lone Why do we all end up dead drunk or stoned What I know is what I hear The ring-ing in my ears is clear A mon-key's got it made you see Swing-ing from the vine of a co-co-nut tree Why do we all end up a-lone Why do we al-ways have to find our way back home Why do we all end up a-lone We gath-er no moss just like a roll-ing stone Why do we all end up a-lone Why do we al-ways have to find our way back home Why do we all end up a-lone Why do we all end up dead drunk or stoned Dead drunk or stoned! Just like a roll-ing stone...